For both --get-file and --put-file you need to specify the export share with --share if you do not want to use the root fs escape method (see escape to root file system).
Example usage:
# Share name is "/home/user/Desktop/NFSShare"
NetExec nfs <ip> --share /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/ --get-file as.txt as.txt
# Example Output
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Supported NFS versions: (3, 4) (root escape:True)
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Downloading as.txt to as.txt
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> File successfully downloaded from as.txt to as.txt
NetExec nfs <ip> --share /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/ --put-file aa.txt aa.txt
# Example Output
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Supported NFS versions: (3, 4) (root escape:True)
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Uploading from aa.txt to aa.txt
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Trying to create aa.txtaa.txt
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [+] aa.txt successfully created
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [+] Data from aa.txt successfully written to aa.txt with permissions 777
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> File aa.txt successfully uploaded to aa.txt
Uploaded files are created with chmod 777 permissions. If folders in the specified path do not exist yet, they will be created as well. Example usage:
NetExec nfs <ip> --put-file test2.txt /home/user/Desktop/
# Example Output
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Supported NFS versions: (3, 4) (root escape:True)
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Uploading from test2.txt to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Trying to create /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/test2.txt
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [+] test2.txt successfully created
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Trying to write data from test2.txt to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [+] Data from test2.txt successfully written to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> File test2.txt successfully uploaded to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
If the local file already exists on the remote server, NetExec asks whether you want to overwrite it.
NetExec nfs <ip> --put-file test2.txt /home/user/Desktop/
# Example Output
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Supported NFS versions: (3, 4) (root escape:True)
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Uploading from test2.txt to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
[!] test2.txt already exists on /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/. Do you want to overwrite it? [Y/n] Y
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] test2.txt already exists on /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/. Trying to overwrite it...
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [*] Trying to write data from test2.txt to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> [+] Data from test2.txt successfully written to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/
NFS <ip> <nfs_port> <ip> File test2.txt successfully uploaded to /home/user/Desktop/NFSShare/