🐧Installation for Unix

Installing NetExec with pipx 🎷

Using pipx to install NetExec is recommended. This allows you to use NetExec and the nxcdb system-wide.

sudo apt install pipx git
pipx ensurepath
pipx install git+https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/NetExec

Open a new shell and you are ready to go:


Updating via pipx:

pipx upgrade netexec        # Will update if there is a new version
pipx reinstall netexec      # Force download the latest commits from github

Failed building wheel for aardwolf

If pip fails to build aardwolf you need to install rust. Don't forget to reload your shell so rust is added to your PATH!

Installation for Kali 🐲

apt update
apt install netexec

Installation for BlackArch 🗡️

pacman -Syu netexec

Installation for ParrotSec 🦜

apt update
apt install netexec

Availability on other Unix distributions 🐧

Installation for development using Poetry 📯

You're going to need to install Poetry which is what nxc uses to manage dependencies. To install poetry you should use pipx, because our dynamic-versioning plugin will likely crash otherwise.

apt install pipx git
pipx ensurepath
pipx install poetry
poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
poetry dynamic-versioning enable

Now that poetry is set, up and we can download the NetExec repository and install its dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/NetExec
cd NetExec
poetry install
poetry run NetExec


We recommend installing via pipx/pip, but if you want to use a pre-compiled binary, go to the Releases and download the appropriate binary.

Last updated

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